Browse Items (9 total)

Anne Spencer resignation 1946.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of resignation letter and envelope from Anne Spencer to Jane Maud Campbell, director of Jones Memorial Library. The letter is dated 1946.

In the letter, Spencer resigns from her position as librarian of the Dunbar Branch at…

Campbell to Settle Oct 1923.jpg
Digital reproduction of a series of letters between Jane Maud Campbell, librarian of Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, and George T. Settle and Rachel Davis Harris of the Louisville Free Public Library. The letters are written in 1923 and…

RDHarris to MCampbell March 1924.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of a letter from Rachel Davis Harris of Western Colored Branch, Louisville Free Public Library, to Jane Maud Campbell at Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg.

The 1924 letter shares that Harris has returned to Louisville…

An Open Letter to the People of Lynchburg 27 April 1967.pdf
Scanned image of a Spring 2004 reproduction of An Open Letter to the People of Lynchburg dated 27 April 1967. The letter protests the policies of the Lynchburg newspapers to exclude news coverage of Dunbar High School and to exclude announcements of…

Scanned image of a typewritten letter from William R. Gilmore to Douglas A. Robertson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Jones Memorial Library. The letter is dated 05 September 1969. In the letter Gilmore expressed appreciation that the library has…

Digital images of a typewritten letter addressed to Anne Spencer from C.G. Woodson, Director of The Journal of Negro History. The letter dated 30 April 1927 is an appeal for funding to support The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History.…

Digital image of a postcard and envelope sent to Jones memorial Library from the Lynchburg Improvement Association dated 15 February 1961. The postcard includes the message "Dear Citizen: How Long Will You Allow Your Tax Dollars to Support…

Digital reproduction of a letter from Lyle Stuart to Jones Memorial Library trustees dated 10 October 1947.

In the letter, Stuart advocates for integration of the library's services and facilities.

Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Manuscript collection 1395 held in physical format at the library.

The collection includes a two-page typewritten letter from R. B. Hall to J. Maud Campbell dated 16 March 1927, the outer mailing…
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