Browse Items (7 total)

Materials from the Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia related to baseball. This digital collection includes clippings from The News & Advance and other items from the library's physical collections. The bulk of clippings are from the…

Manuscript Collection 1396 is the Dunbar High School Library Papers. Four folders are included in this collection.

The papers are from the Dunbar Branch of the Jones Memorial Library. The Dunbar Branch was opened in 1924 at the Paul Laurence…

Overseer's of the Poor.xlsx
Jones Memorial Library list of persons appearing on the Overseers of the Poor registry for the period 1870 to 1876 in Lynchburg, Virginia.

The list is sorted alphabetically by surname and includes surname, first name, report date, type of services…

Jones Memorial Library historical list of theaters, auditoriums, movie houses in Lynchburg, Virginia.

The list is sorted alphabetically by the name of the theater. It includes street address, date of opening and closing, and notes.


Copy of CURRENT Integration of Libraries and Schools in VA (18 x 36 in).pdf
Visual timeline with key dates for integration of public libraries and schools in Virginia in the 1900s.

CORRECTION 3/1/2024: Per Brenda Mitchell-Powell's book, "Public in Name Only", full integration of the Alexandria (VA) Library occurred in…
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