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- Tags: Lynchburg News & Advance
Dunbar High School clippings
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Alphabetical Subject Index to Lynchburg News & Advance
This index was created by Jones Memorial Library and contains more than 27,000 entries. All rights to this index are held by the George M. Jones Memorial Library…
Swimming in Lynchburg - News & Advance clippings
Clippings cover swimming pools, swimming instruction, pool…
Tags: 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 4-H, aquatics, beauty contests, Camp Bibee, canals, city of Lynchburg, Civil Rights, Civil Rights movement, clippings, construction, discrimination, drowning, integration, James River, Jefferson Park, Jefferson Park pool, Jefferson pool, Kanawha Canal, lakes, Lynchburg, Lynchburg Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Lynchburg News & Advance, Miller Park pool, News & Advance, newspapers, Olympics, photographs, photos, Piranha Swim Club, pool construction, pools, racial integration, racial segregation, Randolph College, Randolph Macon Woman's College, Red Cross, rescue services, rivers, Riverside Park, Riverside Park pool, Riverside pool, segregation, Sweet Briar College, swimmers, swimming, swimming coaches, swimming contests, swimming instruction, swimming instructors, swimming lessons, swimming pools, YMCA, YWCA