Browse Items (14 total)

JML BOT minutes 14 January 1924.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes for 14 January 1924. The minutes reflect that Anne Spencer, recently hired as Librarian for the Dunbar Branch, received a salary of $840 for the year 1924, which translated to $70 a…

JML BOT minutes 22 January 1925.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes for 22 January 1925. The minutes reflect activity of the library and its branches. Included in the minute was approval of a salary increase of $5.00 for three librarians,…

JML BOT minutes 21 January 1943.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes for 21 January 1943. The minutes show that members voted to refuse a salary increase requested by the Lynchburg School Board for the branch librarian at the Robert E. Lee Junior…

JML Board Minutes 07 November 1921.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes for 07 November 1921. At this meeting, members voted to offer the position of Head Librarian to Jane Maud Campbell of Boston, Massachusetts for a salary of $3,000 per year.

JML Board minutes 25January 1933.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes for 25 January 1933. At this meeting, which was held during the Great Depression, members voted to reduce employee salaries by 1/12th for the year 1933.

JML Board minutes 31 January 1944.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes for 31 January 1944. During the meeting, members agreed to a proposal from the Lynchburg School Board to contribute half of the salaries of the librarians at the Dunbar Branch and…

JML Board minutes 24 November 1943.jpg
Digital reproduction of board minutes for Jones Memorial Library dated 24 November 1943. At the meeting, members voted to notify the Lynchburg School Board that the Jones board deemed it inadvisable to continue its full contribution of librarian…

JML BOT minutes Dec 1945 - close Dunbar branch.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board of Trustees meeting minutes from 05 December 1945.

In the meeting, Head Librarian Jane Maud Campbell recommends closure of the Dunbar Branch and the board votes to explore transfer of the…

1946 June minutes re Payne and Dunbar.jpg
Jones Memorial Library Board of Trustees Minutes 10 June 1946

1946 Sept 18 minutes Lee Jr HS loan books.jpg
Jones Memorial Library Board of Trustees Minutes 18 September 1946

1923 March 13 establish Dunbar branch.jpg
Jones Memorial Library Board of Trustees Minutes 13 March 1923

1947 March 19 dispose of Dunbar books.jpg
Jones Memorial Library Board of Trustees Minutes 19 March 1947

1923 Nov 9 train librarian for Dunbar branch.jpg
Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes 09 November 1923

Minute Book Geo. M. Jones Library Association.cover.jpg
Digital images of founding documents for the Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia. Originals are held in printed format in the library's collection.
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