Browse Items (25 total)

Scanned image of photocopies of a printed sermon delivered by Rev. Jerry Falwell regarding racial segregation and integration. This sermon was delivered at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia and published in The Word of Life…

McDevitt Wilsons 1923.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of letters from Jane Maud Campbell, Head Librarian of Jones Memorial Library, to book publishers. Campbell wrote in 1921 to McDevitt-Wilson's and Valiant publishing companies to request pricing on specific titles for use at the…

JML Board minutes 31 January 1944.1.jpg
Digital reproduction of Jones Memorial Library Board meeting minutes for 31 January 1944. During the meeting, members agreed to a proposal from the Lynchburg School Board to contribute half of the salaries of the librarians at the Dunbar Branch and…

Alpha Theta to Campbell March 1946.jpg
Digital reproduction of a letter from Alpha Theta sorority in Lynchburg, Virginia to Jane Maud Campbell, Head Librarian of Jones Memorial Library.

In the letter, the sorority seeks a meeting with Campbell to discuss library services to…

Womans Community Club to Campbell April 1946.jpg
Digital reproduction of a handwritten letter from the Woman's Community Club of Lynchburg to Jane Maud Campbell, Head Librarian of Jones Memorial Library.

The letter was written in April 1946 seeking relocation of the Dunbar Branch library…

JML Dunbar Branch Feb 1924 report.jpg
Digital reproduction of the February 1924 branch report by librarian Anne Spencer for the Jones Memorial Library Dunbar Branch. This report was the second monthly report issued for the branch, and the first report with Spencer as sole author.

JMLMS1137.3.1.Woman's Club of Lynchburg 1914 survey of Jackson Street Colored High School.pdf
Scanned pages from Manuscript Collection 1137 Woman's Club of Lynchburg survey details on Jackson Street Colored High School, taken in 1914.

Ellen Coolidge Burke to Lucille Dickerson re Alexandria PL desegregation 02 October 1950.jpg
Scanned image of a letter dates 02 October 1950 from Ellen Coolidge Burke of Alexandria (Va.) Library to Lucille Dickerson at Jones Memorial Library. In the letter Burke seeks information about the Jones library, erroneously believing the library to…

Dunbarian newsletter 1(7)19270608.pdf
Digital reproduction of Dunbarian newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 7, 08 June 1927. The six-page newsletter is held in photocopied format at Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia as Pamphlet File 2784.

Included on page two of the newsletter are…

JMLPAM1206.The Dunbar High School Story by Chauncey Spencer.pdf
Digital reproduction of a typed manuscript entitled "The Dunbar high School Story!!" by Chauncey E. Spencer. The original manuscript is held at Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia as PAM1206.

In the manuscript, the author provides…

Dunbar Front Elevation.pdf
Digital reproduction of set of four architectural plans for the 1921 construction of Dunbar High School in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Dunbar High School served "colored" students in the city during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation. Jones Memorial…

Digitized copy of a pamphlet published in 1921 entitled "Some Books and Pamphlets, Music, Magazines and Newspapers by Negro Writers, Composers and Editors in the Colored Department of the Louisville Free Public Library".

This document is part of…

Digital reproduction of correspondence between the City of Lynchburg, Virginia and Lucille Dickerson for the period 25 March 1947 to 28 September 1948.

In the correspondence, Dickerson notes that Jones Memorial Library is donating books to the…

Digital reproduction of a letter dated 02 October 1950 from Ellen Coolidge Burke at Alexandria Library in Alexandria, Virginia to Lucille Dickerson at Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia.

In her letter, Burke requests information about…

Digital reproduction of a letter from Lyle Stuart to Jones Memorial Library trustees dated 10 October 1947.

In the letter, Stuart advocates for integration of the library's services and facilities.

MS1396.0127-11175.Folder6 (2).jpg
Digital reproduction of postcard from Gladys Pannell to Jones Memorial Library and response from the library dated 11 October 1950.

In her message, Pannell requests information about what facilities are available to "colored" patrons in Lynchburg,…

Scanned image of the Jones Memorial Library's Report of Dunbar Branch for January 1924 submitted by Anne Spencer and R.D. Harris.

The Dunbar Branch was opened in 1924 in the Dunbar High School in Lynchburg and was the first branch of the Jones…

Scanned images of three letters regarding the establishment of the Jones Memorial Library Dunbar Branch in 1924 from scholar Cheryl Knott Malone.

The correspondence includes a letter from Cheryl Knott Malone on 19 February 1999 to Lynn Dodge at…

Scanned images of an eight page pamphlet entitled A Veritable Encyclopedia of History published by the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Inc.

The printed pamphlet is held in physical format as part of Manuscript Collection 1396,…

Scanned image of pamphlet entitled Negro Progress in Print: A Special List of Good Books on the Shelves of the Paul Laurence Dunbar Branch Indianapolis Public Library.

The physical pamphlet is held at Jones Memorial Library in Manuscript…

Scanned image of a typewritten Periodical List dated 28 January 1936 with note "Ordered from Miss Janet W Snead-City-Jan 28/35" and stamped "Dunbar Branch Lynchburg, VA Jones Memorial Library'. The lists includes 24 periodical titles.

Digitized images of a booklet titled "Library List" issued by the Julius Rosenwald Fund in December 1929, Nashville, Tennessee.

This item is part of the Jones Memorial Library Manuscript Collection 1396, Folder 6, added to the collection in…

Manuscript Collection 1396 is the Dunbar High School Library Papers. Four folders are included in this collection.

The papers are from the Dunbar Branch of the Jones Memorial Library. The Dunbar Branch was opened in 1924 at the Paul Laurence…

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