Browse Items (25 total)
- Tags: segregation
Segregation or Integration, Which?
Tags: 1958, integration, Jerry Falwell, preaching, religion, segregation, sermons, Word of Life
Letters to Publishers
Jones Memorial Library Minutes 31 January 1944
Alpha Theta Sigma Letter to Maud Campbell and Reply from Campbell
In the letter, the sorority seeks a meeting with Campbell to discuss library services to…
Woman's Community Club Letter to Maud Campbell
The letter was written in April 1946 seeking relocation of the Dunbar Branch library…
Dunbar Branch February 1924 Report
Survey of Jackson Street Colored High School
Alexandria Library (Alexandria, Va.) Letters
Dunbarian Vol 1 No 7
Included on page two of the newsletter are…
The Dunbar High School Story!!
In the manuscript, the author provides…
Dunbar High School Architectural Plans
Dunbar High School served "colored" students in the city during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation. Jones Memorial…
Tags: African-American schools, African-Americans in Lynchburg, architects, architectural plans, blacks in Lynchburg, blueprints, buildings, construction, Craighill & Cardwell, Dunbar Branch, Dunbar High School, Dunbar High School Library, Lynchburg City Schools, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Public Schools, school buildings, schools, segregated libraries, segregated schools, segregation
Some Books and Pamphlets, Music, Magazines and Newspapers by Negro Writers, Composers and Editors in the Colored Department of the Louisville Free Public Library
This document is part of…
Lynchburg City and Jones Memorial Library Correspondence
In the correspondence, Dickerson notes that Jones Memorial Library is donating books to the…
Tags: city of Lynchburg, Dunbar Branch, Dunbar High School, Dunbar High School Library, Harold Baumes, integration, J.D. Wright, Jim Crow era, Jones Memorial Library, libraries, library history, Lucille Dickerson, Lynchburg City Schools, Paul Munro, public libraries, RWB Hart, school libraries, schools, segregation
Alexandria Library Correspondence
In her letter, Burke requests information about…
Lyle Stuart Letter
In the letter, Stuart advocates for integration of the library's services and facilities.
Gladys Pannell Correspondence
In her message, Pannell requests information about what facilities are available to "colored" patrons in Lynchburg,…
Report of Dunbar Branch January 1924
The Dunbar Branch was opened in 1924 in the Dunbar High School in Lynchburg and was the first branch of the Jones…
Tags: African Americans, African Americans in Lynchburg, Anne Spencer, books, circulation, Dunbar Branch, Dunbar High School, Dunbar High School Library, George M. Jones Memorial Library, Jane Maud Campbell, Jones Memorial Library, librarianship, libraries, library history, library services, MS 1396, MS1396, Rachel Davis Harris, segregation, Spencer family
Cheryl Knott Malone Correspondence
The correspondence includes a letter from Cheryl Knott Malone on 19 February 1999 to Lynn Dodge at…
Tags: African-Americans, African-Americans in Lynchburg, Anne Scales Spencer, Anne Spencer, black librarians, black libraries, Cheryl Knott Malone, Dunbar Branch, Dunbar High School, Dunbar High School Library, integration, Jane Maud Campbell, Jones Memorial Library, libraries, library history, Louisville Free Public Library, Lynchburg City Schools, Lynn Dodge, public libraries, Rachel Davis Harris, segregation, Wayne Rhodes
A Veritable Encyclopedia of History
The printed pamphlet is held in physical format as part of Manuscript Collection 1396,…
Negro Progress in Print
The physical pamphlet is held at Jones Memorial Library in Manuscript…
Dunbar Branch Periodical List
Julius Rosenwald Fund Library List
This item is part of the Jones Memorial Library Manuscript Collection 1396, Folder 6, added to the collection in…
Booklists for Dunbar Branch, MS1396 Folder 1
The papers are from the Dunbar Branch of the Jones Memorial Library. The Dunbar Branch was opened in 1924 at the Paul Laurence…
Tags: 1920s, 1921, African American literature, African Americans, Anne Spencer, Associated Publishers, authors, black literature, book catalogs, book purchasing, books, catalogs, Dunbar Branch, Dunbar High School, Dunbar High School Library, inventories, Jane Maud Campbell, Jones Memorial Library, librarians, libraries, library administration, library branches, library history, lists, Louisville Free Public Library, Lynchburg, Maud Campbell, Rachel Davis Harris, reading, Reverend Thomas Blue, segregated libraries, segregation, Thomas Blue
Swimming in Lynchburg - News & Advance clippings
Clippings cover swimming pools, swimming instruction, pool…
Tags: 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 4-H, aquatics, beauty contests, Camp Bibee, canals, city of Lynchburg, Civil Rights, Civil Rights movement, clippings, construction, discrimination, drowning, integration, James River, Jefferson Park, Jefferson Park pool, Jefferson pool, Kanawha Canal, lakes, Lynchburg, Lynchburg Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Lynchburg News & Advance, Miller Park pool, News & Advance, newspapers, Olympics, photographs, photos, Piranha Swim Club, pool construction, pools, racial integration, racial segregation, Randolph College, Randolph Macon Woman's College, Red Cross, rescue services, rivers, Riverside Park, Riverside Park pool, Riverside pool, segregation, Sweet Briar College, swimmers, swimming, swimming coaches, swimming contests, swimming instruction, swimming instructors, swimming lessons, swimming pools, YMCA, YWCA