Digital reproduction of letters from Jane Maud Campbell, Head Librarian of Jones Memorial Library, to book publishers. Campbell wrote in 1921 to McDevitt-Wilson's and Valiant publishing companies to request pricing on specific titles for use at the…
Digital reproduction of a series of letters between Jane Maud Campbell, librarian of Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, and George T. Settle and Rachel Davis Harris of the Louisville Free Public Library. The letters are written in 1923 and…
Digital reproduction of two letters from 1923 regarding a questionnaire for an American Library Association report about services to black Americans at public libraries.
The first letter is from Julia Ideson, librarian at the Houston Public…
Scanned reproduction of four page program for commencement exercises at Dunbar High School in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1923. Dunbar High School opened in 1923 and this program is for the first graduating class.